Service projects to complete at home or onsite on January 13th
Knit or crochet warm hats for adults and children (no preemies this year). Patterns are available. Yarn will be provided (or bring your own) and some knitting needles will be available for use on January 13th. Please bring any hats you have competed at home to the gathering on January 13th.
Use a no-sew pattern to create cozy blankets to be distributed through Project Linus. Patterns and instructions are available. Some fleece material will be available for use on January 13th.
On Site January 13th at the Gathering
Decorate bookmarks with the themes of inspiration and courage. Bookmarks will be distributed through the Reading Public Library.
Make and bag meals for Lazarus House in Lawrence. Please bring hat, apron (and scrunchie if needed.) Other supplies will be provided. Donations to offset costs of food are appreciated.
Learn about young role models that are carrying on the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. There will be a Power Point Presentation for viewing. Be a part of the discussion with fellow participants or write your thoughts down that will be included on the MLK Day Ceremony at RMHS. Discussion topic "Are you inspired by these role models? If so, how do they inspire you?"
Decorate cards which will be used by the Pantry to thank their generous donors. All materials will be provided.
Help sort and put away donations 11:30am to 1pm at Old South Church. Limited to 5 volunteers.
Help move and pack household items at the Mission of Deeds warehouse in Reading.
Stop by Stop and Shop and pick up a list of most-needed items for the Pantry. Drop your pantry items off on your way out, and we will deliver them to the Pantry for you. Hours 9:30am - 12:00noon.
Decorate and pack paper bags with snacks for DPW, Fire, Police and Pantry workers. Instructions will be provided. Bring your completed packs in on January 13th or subsequent drop-off dates.
The Department of Children and Families (DCF) would specifically appreciate donations of new children’s underwear for foster children. Socks and pajamas are also options.
Bring your donation to the gathering on January 13th or to the First Congregational Church during office hours - Monday - Thursday 9:00-1:00 through January.